Page name: Hilly's Hookers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-02-01 15:22:09
Last author: Rune Takashi
Owner: sexynerd
# of watchers: 23
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7/6/05-[NEW WEB LINKS!!!]still under construction, but check them out anyway!


2/14/05- iT'S OFFICIAL!!! the winning theme for the manwhore contest is: UNDERWARE!!! so start unzipping and taking pictures, boys!
1/8/05 - PLEASE TAKE Mary's Man Whores poll:36478 to decide what the manwhores will be wearing! Thank you!

11/15/04 i'm starting to make personalized rooms on the fuck page...any hookers who want a room contact [Yanaba] and she'll add yours.

11/15/04 ATTENTION!! mary's man whores is thinking about having a picture contest between the man whores, but we are in need of ideas for what the men will be (or won't be lol) wearing! If you have any ideas for this contest pls contact [Yanaba] and she will add it to her list.

11/9/04 The Pink Flamingo is in need of some award banners for various sexual acts so memebers can proudly proclaime which flamingo or gnome they have earned. Please inform [Aleka] of any banners you create so she can ensure that they are not too preverse. Thanks!

10/15/04 the fuck page is now new and improved! USE IT!!!! and in the MAIN ROOM PLEASE USE THE COMMENTS AREA to cyber! Have fun!

10/10/04 I made a cyber page for all those who feel the need to do that on here. It's more private for you guys. For now, it's called the fuck page. Tell me if you can think of anything better and if i made it right, cuz i'm not sure i did....


8/26/04 the page has been changed now YOU GUYS NEED TO ADD STORIES TO THE PINK FLAMINGO PAGE and yeah keep giving me ideas!

8/5/04 hehehe so yeah Hilly's Hookers has been added to the Adult's only list on The wiki´s wiki page I'm proud of our little joke of a page!

Okay so heres the umm shpeil okay so i can't spell that umm heres is the way this works: Hilly's Hookers is mainly about sharing interesting sex related stories jokes ect. in general just being indecent! so feel free to just jump right into a conversation!

The Pink Flamingo

Thoughts of a Hooker

The World If I Ran It

Operation: Brad Pitt

Hilly's Hookers administaration and employees

she-pimp : [Animal*Girl]
#1: [Aleka]                  
#2: [Yanaba]                 
#3: [Hermes322]      
#4: [IwAsBuTaMnOmOrE]            
#5: [Kat13]
#6: [Sweet 6 6 6--H.I.M.]
#7: [FaeryPrincess]
#8: [Scarlet Lioness]
#9: [Corp USA Bad]
#10: [Lilly_Cortez]
#11: [Wolf Of Love and lust]
#13:[Little Red]
#15: [hottcandy41]
#16: [pretty in blood]
#17: [~*ChRiS GiRl*~]
#18: [jo has gone]
#19: [SingleSexah]

#1: [Sufanhero]
#2: [Battle of One]
#3: [Balthizar]
#4: [horneyguy]
#5: [tomfucker]
#6: [Wrath of the phoenix]
#7: [Legacy Rite]
#8: [white_devil]
#9: [Cherub]
#10 [Rune Takashi]
Do you wanna become Hooker? contact [Aleka] or you know just add youself to the list ...

Do you want to be a Man whore?
Visit Mary's Man Whores





Username (or number or email):


2005-03-29 [Yanaba]: I've got a question...totally off subject though...sorri...but, how do you transfer pictures you've saved on your comp to an elftown wiki?

2005-03-29 [Shadow Reaper]: o0 because what else is there to do?

2005-03-29 [Yanaba]: yes...we get bored

2005-03-29 [Legacy Rite]: NOt completly sure myself

2005-03-29 [bitchy_girl69]: idk

2005-03-29 [Legacy Rite]: Hey Berni what do you think of the new pic on my page 

2005-03-29 [Shadow Reaper]: and in answer to yanaba's question, i don't know...i've got a photobucket account, so that's how i do it

2005-03-29 [Yanaba]: oh..thx anyway guys....i haven't seen your pic yet...hold on

2005-03-29 [Yanaba]: woah! muscles!

2005-03-29 [Legacy Rite]: Heh.....

2005-03-29 [Aleka]: 8D... so... i could show you how to do the picture thing later berni... just remind me... and very nice picture amico

2005-03-29 [Hermes322]: Next customer!

2005-03-29 [Shadow Reaper]: lmao....sorry, couldn't help it ^^;;

2005-03-29 [Hermes322]: LOL

2005-03-29 [Shadow Reaper]: mmmm, nachos...^^

2005-03-30 [Yanaba]: I found out how to post pictures...thank you though!

2005-03-30 [Pedito]: boo

2005-03-30 [Yanaba]: *screams and hides*

2005-03-30 [Aleka]: .....umm.... now that berni's hiding..... we can do all that stuff .... yeah... that stuff...

2005-03-31 [Legacy Rite]: Stuff.......wha kind of stuff........i like stuff

2005-03-31 [Aleka]: .....;)... oh... i don know... what do you want to do?

2005-03-31 [Legacy Rite]: Ihavent given it much thought........hmmmmm let me think

2005-04-02 [Aleka]: oh take your time... ;)

2005-04-02 [Yanaba]: *popps in unexpectedly* BOO!!!!! hahahahahaha....ok i'm over it

2005-04-04 [Legacy Rite]: How about we go for a romp in the hay.....Lol

2005-04-04 [bitchy_girl69]: holly crap u guys tlk a lot

2005-04-04 [Shadow Reaper]: o0 you always say that

2005-04-04 [bitchy_girl69]: i know...but its true

2005-04-04 [Shadow Reaper]: :P

2005-04-04 [Pedito]: romp in the hay? is that what you southern hicks call it?

2005-04-04 [Aleka]: .... see.... that probally would be fun... but i have the worst hay fever... and i really like being able to breathe...

2005-04-04 [Legacy Rite]: so how about a sandy beach ...with a blanket of course...

2005-04-04 [Legacy Rite]: Oh and in no way am i a hick......

2005-04-05 [Aleka]: ....i don't like sand... get everywhere... but if it were a big blanket... a sand repelent blanket then i'd be all for it 8D

2005-04-06 [Yanaba]: where? under the board walk??? (doo bee doo bee dooo dooo....under the board walk, board walk) lol

2005-04-06 [Shadow Reaper]: o0 eheh...might as well do it on a boat :P

2005-04-06 [Yanaba]: "boat"

2005-04-06 [Shadow Reaper]: lol what about it?

2005-04-06 [Legacy Rite]: lmao......How about a log cabin with candlight throwing shadows on the walls

2005-04-06 [Yanaba]: about shadow puppets...

2005-04-06 [Legacy Rite]: Lol.....Boat would sway too much with the motion....

2005-04-06 [Yanaba]: but, doesn't that compensate with the size of the "boat"?

2005-04-06 [Shadow Reaper]: lol i meant a big boat, like a yacht ^^

2005-04-06 [Legacy Rite]: Oh that would work....Bass boats & Jet Skis so dont work.....

2005-04-06 [Aleka]: lol.... lol... you guys are funny... and now i have the boardwalk song playing in my head... thanks berni... under the board walk, we'll be having some fun, under the board walk.... i can't remember the rest... but that part keeps replaying!

2005-04-06 [Shadow Reaper]: o0 -- now i've got it stuck in my head too

2005-04-06 [Aleka]: ha! i'm no longer alone !!! you will suffer with me!

2005-04-06 [Shadow Reaper]: lol

2005-04-06 [Shadow Reaper]: hahahahahahahaha XD that's awesome ^___^

2005-04-08 [Aleka]: i love that! i'm gonna watch it again!

2005-04-08 [Shadow Reaper]: lol

2005-04-10 [Yanaba]: wow...that took awhile to see the whole thing....very funny though

2005-04-10 [Shadow Reaper]: you mean the bear getting kicked in the nuts?

2005-04-10 [Yanaba]: yes.....that

2005-04-10 [Shadow Reaper]: :P

2005-04-10 [bitchy_girl69]: hi

2005-04-11 [Aleka]: lol..... i love that commercial... every time i come on here i watch it again...

2005-04-11 [Shadow Reaper]: lmao so do i ^^

2005-04-11 [Hermes322]: ^_6

2005-04-11 [Shadow Reaper]: o0 ^^ what's that expression?

2005-04-11 [Hermes322]: idk...I made a typo...^_^**

2005-04-11 [Shadow Reaper]: lol thought so

2005-04-11 [Hermes322]: lol

2005-04-11 [Shadow Reaper]: :P

2005-04-17 [SingleSexah]: Yay! Somewhere I actually fit in!!!

2005-04-17 [Shadow Reaper]: o0?

2005-04-17 [SingleSexah]: Kidding.. lol.

2005-04-17 [Shadow Reaper]: *chuckles* hey, i have no problem with it, personally

2005-04-17 [SingleSexah]: So what should I do now?? Lol.

2005-04-17 [Shadow Reaper]: *smiles a bit and lifts one shoulder in a shrug* well.....considering the page, one suggestion comes to mind

2005-04-17 [Balthizar]: Hey people!

2005-04-17 [SingleSexah]: Yupp.. that means first customer.. lol.

2005-04-17 [Shadow Reaper]: ^^ very nice way of putting it

2005-04-17 [SingleSexah]: Lol. Do you think they will mind if I make my own little page?

2005-04-17 [Balthizar]: i doubt they would

2005-04-17 [Shadow Reaper]: me neither

2005-04-17 [SingleSexah]: UmmKay.. better get on the ball then on that wiki huh?? lol.

2005-04-17 [Shadow Reaper]: hmm, on the perhaps that should be plural

2005-04-17 [SingleSexah]: Lol. I just got that after reading it a few times.

2005-04-17 [Shadow Reaper]: lmao ^^

2005-04-17 [Aleka]: lol!!

2005-04-17 [Shadow Reaper]: ^^

2005-04-18 [Pedito]: some one help me. Docters want to hospitalize me

2005-04-18 [Balthizar]: what why?

2005-04-18 [Aleka]: ??? why??

2005-04-18 [Shadow Reaper]: o_O ditto on that

2005-04-19 [FF/Med . Johnson]: hey aleka how do you become a bouncer?

2005-04-19 [Aleka]: 8D you ask me! or [Yanaba] or sarah... she changed her name... i can't memeber what it is... but umm... you can add yourself to the list 8D

2005-04-21 [Bade]: I am looking for an available hooker

2005-04-21 [Yanaba]: um.....for that, just kinda show up at ppls rooms on the fuck page and see if anyone's in them....that's usually what ppl do in mine. :)

2005-04-22 [Aleka]: he went to mine... but i'm kinda busy with someone... and i hate to leave one for another in the middle of it...

2005-04-22 [SingleSexah]: Yeah.. I know what you mean.. so I made a waiting list.. lol... I have like six people waiting..

2005-04-22 [Aleka]: lol!! thats the smartest thing ever!! i should so make my self a waiting list!!

2005-04-22 [Shadow Reaper]: i don't get any customers on my page, so there's no point

2005-04-22 [Aleka]: ....really? why not?

2005-04-22 [Shadow Reaper]: oO ^^ don't ask me

2005-04-22 [Aleka]: ..... maybe its cause girls aren't nearly as ummm...... desperate... no thats not the right word... god i hate when i can't explain what i'm thinking! maybe cyber sex just doesn't do anything for them... yeah thats it!!

2005-04-22 [Shadow Reaper]: --;;; that doesn't help me much...

2005-04-22 [Aleka]: really? then why do you do it?

2005-04-22 [Shadow Reaper]: *shrugs* that's a little hard to explain

2005-04-22 [Aleka]: yeah... my explanation is quite simple actually... this started as a friendly joke and grew into a cybersex thing... there's no going back... not that i mind, i could care less either with or without cyber sex

2005-04-22 [Shadow Reaper]: oO a joke?

2005-04-22 [Aleka]: lol... yeah

2005-04-22 [Shadow Reaper]: erm, how so?

2005-04-22 [Aleka]: omg!! you'd have to be there! its just omg its i don't know how to explain it!!

2005-04-22 [Shadow Reaper]: lmao

2005-04-22 [Aleka]: you had to be there.... and you'd have to know my friends... who are all extremely horny

2005-04-22 [Shadow Reaper]: lol...=^^= sounds like me

2005-04-22 [Aleka]: yeah! lol... seems to be a comon trait amoung people though... this horniness... but my friends express their desire a bit more explicitly than others...

2005-04-22 [Shadow Reaper]: lol how's that?

2005-04-22 [Aleka]: between sarah offering guys to strip for money at school and some of the lets call them conversations i've been ruined when it comes to unpreverted thoughts... someone says the word balls and i can't help but snicker at it, sad really...

2005-04-22 [Shadow Reaper]: lmao well, i don't exactly ask girls to strip in exchange for money, but i do have the problem of keeping perverted thoughts out..for instance, the words banana or nuts...two food items and i can't help thinking of other things

2005-04-22 [Solitiaum]: XD

2005-04-22 [Aleka]: lol exactly!! even if people don't mean to imply something sexual i'm laughing my ass off

2005-04-23 [Yanaba]: SARAH HAS CORRUPTED MY BRAIN!!!! and i thank her for it! lol....if you want to see some of the inside joke from which this wiki originated visit the pink flamingo page or thoughts of a hooker.....kinda offers some explination.

2005-04-24 [Aleka]: lol... ahh... good times

2005-04-24 [Hermes322]: guys, do me a favor and all harrass [tankerman]. He said my personality disgusts him and that I needed to lose 30 pounds and all I did was go to his page!

2005-04-24 [Aleka]: what an jack ass!! did you report the bitch!!

2005-04-24 [Hermes322]: Yes I did. Can you just all fucking harrass him so it'll annoy the fuck out of him. ^_^

2005-04-24 [Balthizar]: he must die

2005-04-24 [Hermes322]: I took care of it, never mind

2005-04-24 [Aleka]: ?? how'd you do that?

2005-04-24 [Legacy Rite]: *evil grin*.....I think i will see what mischief i can visit upon such an asshole

2005-04-24 [Shadow Reaper]: o__O that looks like the guy who was asking my gf to do weird shit for him

2005-04-25 [bitchy_girl69]: hey hey hey

2005-04-25 [Aleka]: i hope he gets banned and fucked royally up the ass.... no... he'd probally like that... hmmm... gay people might find that comment offense... i like gay people...

2005-04-25 [bitchy_girl69]: wtf?

2005-04-25 [Aleka]: hmmm... i'm in a weird mood please ignore everything i say

2005-04-25 [bitchy_girl69]: ok

2005-04-25 [Aleka]: thank you

2005-04-25 [bitchy_girl69]: ok

2005-04-26 [Legacy Rite]: Speaking of striping for money.....I was offered 100 dollars today....To um strip in public

2005-04-26 [bitchy_girl69]: what did u say?

2005-04-26 [Legacy Rite]: I was offered money to strip in public

2005-04-26 [bitchy_girl69]: yea...i know...did u do it?

2005-04-26 [Legacy Rite]: Nah im not that cheap.....And i had really tight jeans on...I have a rule about tight jeans

2005-04-26 [bitchy_girl69]: ok....

2005-04-26 [Legacy Rite]: I was rding horses today.....Rain and tight wranglers mean idont wear anything thats not necasarry

2005-04-26 [Hermes322]: GAY PEOPLES RULE!!! I mean look at Amico. You and your tight wranglers. LOL! j/k. That's hot.

2005-04-26 [Legacy Rite]: BUt im not gay sammee.....

2005-04-26 [Hermes322]: I know...LOL. I was just kidding

2005-04-26 [Legacy Rite]: Grrr....BEsides i took my manwhore pictures yesterday....SO be nice.*winks*

2005-04-26 [Hermes322]: lol

2005-04-26 [Hermes322]: Chill out. I'm jail bate remember?

2005-04-26 [Legacy Rite]: In the rain no was intresting to say the least..

2005-04-26 [Pedito]: who wants an austrailian kiss?

2005-04-26 [Shadow Reaper]: oO um...what's an australian kiss?

2005-04-26 [Aleka]: ....yeah... whats an austrailian kiss?

2005-04-27 [bitchy_girl69]: whats an austrailian kiss?

2005-04-27 [SingleSexah]: hmmm... -starts to wonder-

2005-04-27 [bitchy_girl69]: ...

2005-04-27 [Shadow Reaper]: lol i guess we'll have to wait to find out

2005-04-27 [SingleSexah]: Apparently....

2005-04-27 [Shadow Reaper]: hmm...i dislike waiting for answers though :/

2005-04-27 [SingleSexah]: Me 2!!

2005-04-27 [Shadow Reaper]: lol

2005-04-27 [SingleSexah]: So how is your day been?

2005-04-27 [Shadow Reaper]: um, pretty slow actually...not much going on

2005-04-27 [SingleSexah]: Well today was sorta blah.. lol.

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: tuesday.... they suck... not as much as mondays but enough so that i just want to break shit

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: WHY CAN'T IT BE SUMMER???

2005-04-27 [Shadow Reaper]: ^^ i only have about a week and a half left of school...which unfortunately means i won't be on as much

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: aw......i'm still jealous

2005-04-27 [Shadow Reaper]: blegh...means i have to get a job for a year, which i don't mind actually...maybe i can get internet back at home for myself at least >>

2005-04-27 [SingleSexah]: Well I have four weeks left... sucks..

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: ...3 weeks?? might be 4... i stopped counting... too depressing

2005-04-27 [bitchy_girl69]: i LOVE summer

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: i think it's like 15 more days....not counting off days and weekends

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: oh... i was counting those... b/c i'll have to work my ass off on the days off as well... too much work

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: meh....u'd think they'd have some sympathy for seniors....but fact they make it harder......

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: actually berni... were the ones who made it harder by choosing the classes that we choose... if we had done what most seniors do and take only english and a bunch of art classes and possible econ we'd have no problems... of course when i say english i mean regular english class...

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: oh....yeah....i was gonna say, cuz that's basically my sched....cuz i stopped caring about pre calc

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: ...i hate you...

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]:'s not as good as u might think...well, i guess that depends....i'm actually persuing this as a carreer sooo i actually care about my art being perfect and not getting any lower than a b in the classes

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: It doesnt get any better after you grauate though

2005-04-27 [Shadow Reaper]: ^^ my senior year was easy

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]:'s not as good as u might think...well, i guess that depends....i'm actually persuing this as a carreer sooo i actually care about my art being perfect and not getting any lower than a b in the classes

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: nah.....i think it will get better....but then again im just desperate to leave already

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: ....berni is a perfectionist to the extreme... me ehh...she's slowly converting me to her prefectionism....

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: (evil laugh)

2005-04-27 [Shadow Reaper]: :P it's funny, but i don't really have to try very hard to get alright grades in school

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: The one thing i found in all of my art classes(all 6 in the 4 years of highschool) Is that no matter how good you are the teacher still has to like you if you want to pass. Your senior yesr is full of confusion, but at the end you get the worst prize ever...School that you have to pay out the ass for

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: ... neither do i... till i took these fucked up courses and now my brain hurts from packing too much information into it... pisses me off.. .why do i have to challenge myself? why? why can't i be an lazy bum who doesn't give a damn

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: College profesores (cant spell) Really like have students that strive for perfectionin thier asignments. That means thier easier on your grades...And thats a good thing.

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: Because your a girl...J/k....Its really because through challenge we find betterment

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: prefection is nice but it will never trully be acheived that is why i never trully strive for it since it will forever remain out of my grasp

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: i'm not going to a traditional 4 yr college...

2005-04-27 [Shadow Reaper]: i really have no choice...have no money

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: ...i got scholarships... so i can go where ever the hell i want... which doesn't fucking help in the decision process!

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: yeah...but there's loans and grants and scholarships......

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: IM in it for 6-7 years im going for my master degree in nursing...

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: ooh....nice.....ur brave....i can't stand blood or sick ppl.....or stuff like stomach for it

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: AS far as the decision...You should go where the program or degree course you want is most highly recognized

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: really? i have no idea what i'm gonna do... something interesting preferably... i hear there's lots of money for people who want to go into nursing... basically pays for your education with scholarships

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: Its not so much bravery as it is knowing that with the degree i can provide for my family someday...

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: yeah....well, i'm young and don't have plans for a fam any time too soon, so i'm doing what will make me happy for now

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: ... i can't stand shots... other than that i'm fine with it all... but shots man they creep me out

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: IN high population areas the pay scale can range from 35 -50 dollars an hour...Im still looking into the scholarships and grants for nursing students.

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: Im only nineteen and dont plan for a family any time soon myself....However im hapy living in the moment..ANd you never know what will happenn tomorrow or the next day so i figure get a good job and just be prepared

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